Missions Action

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                Missions Mobilization - Send


Pleasant Hill Continues Partnership with India


Since 2012, Pleasant Hill has been active with their ministry partnership in Delhi, India.  Plans are to continue this mission as long as God keeps the door open to help their national partners.  In January 2024, Pleasant Hill led a 12-member team to work with the local ministry partners.  Members from  Kedron, Prospect Southern Methodist, Harmony Baptist, Swansea First Baptist, and Restoration Baptist participated with the Pleasant Hill mission team.  Teaching from the book of Nehemiah was requested by their national partners; therefore, the pastors on the mission team taught for two days.  Other teachings were held at a youth meeting and at a women's meeting.  

During this trip, new friendships were made and relationships were strengthened.  Some of the members visited in a new area, a "tent city", where 3,000 people live in make-shift tents with no electricity or running water.  Pastor Timmy accepted the opportunity to preach there and was blessed to be able to bring God's Word to the people.  The team visited in many homes, sharing the Gospel and their testimonies.  The Delhi churches  are growing and many are committing to faith in Jesus.  Please keep our national partners in your prayers!

The couple from Swansea First Baptist, Charles and Sherry Burton, felt God calling them to the mission field as a result of this trip.  They have had some training with the International Mission Board and will be leaving in August for Jaipur, India.  Please keep the Burtons in your prayers as they follow God's call to the mission field.