The Nominating Committee recommended for approval the following job descriptions for the Edisto Baptist Association at the Executive Committee Meeting on September 10, 2001 and it passed unanimously. Thanks to the Nominating Committee for their work in providing these job descriptions.
These job descriptions should be used as a guide by those who serve in our association. These job descriptions are consistent with the Word of God, our Constitution and Bylaws and what has traditionally been done in our association. Also, these job descriptions provide for the workers of our association what is expected at this present time. These job descriptions should be a work in progress. These job descriptions should be updated each year as God leads our Association to serve Jesus and our churches more effectively.
How much change will actually take place as a result of these job descriptions remains yet to be seen. It is left up to the workers in the various positions of our association to fulfill the duties listed in these job descriptions. Hopefully, this is one more step in the right direction helping our association to strengthen our churches in fulfilling the Great Commandment and Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Appoint the following committees: Nominating Committee; Time, Place and Preacher Committee; Resolutions Committee; and any other committees as needed.
Preside over or appoint someone to preside over all meetings concerning the business of the Association.
Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
Work with other associational leadership in planning and directing the work of the Edisto Baptist Association.
Vice Moderator
Assist the moderator in any way and serve as moderator in his absence.
Sign necessary forms at bank. Have alternate signer to provide for continuity.
Receive contributions from churches, the South Carolina Baptist Convention, and any other resources, promptly depositing them to the Association account.
Dispense according to approved budget.
Salary to Associational Mission Strategist (AMS) divided as follows:
Budgeted breakdown as follows:
Housing Allowance
Enterprise Expenses
Prepare reports to and take minutes of:
Executive Committee Meetings.
Annual October Meeting.
Newsletter monthly, if possible.
Budget for Finance Committee.
Prepare Annual Minutes for Printer.
following Offices have common duties and are defined by notes 1 through 9 that
are listed at the end of the page.
Sunday School Director
Vacation Bible School
Discipleship Training Director
Plans and promotes an annual association Discipleship Rally, Bible Drills, and Speaker’s tournament.
Music Director (See Music Committee below).
Youth Director
Plans and implements at least one Association wide youth event per year, such as Disciple-Now Weekend, Mission Trip, Summer Camp, Lock-In.
WMU Director
Special emphasis includes annual gifts to migrants and prisoners and the three mission offerings.
Men's Ministries Director
Encourage participation in disaster relief.
Summaries from State Convention agencies are a part of our annual meeting. Those giving reports are encouraged to represent and promote their part of our State Convention's work during the Year. For example, Christian Education reports may include the following:
Contact our churches to compile a list of persons who presently attend a college or seminary supported by the State Baptist Convention or Southern Baptist Convention. State their name, church, and the college or seminary they attend. This list should be included in your report for the Annual Session.
Budget & Finance Committee
Consists of five rotating members. Rotation shall be achieved by the two (2) longest consecutive serving members rotating off, provided every third year only one shall rotate off.
Compile and present an annual budget for our association to be approved at the Annual Session.
Receive reports from the Clerk/Treasurer regularly.
Supervise budget and any other expenditure.
Constitution Committee
Consists of five rotating members. Rotation shall be achieved by the two (2) longest consecutive serving members rotating off, provided every third year only one shall rotate off.
Review the present Constitution and By-laws to ascertain areas of necessary revision.
Amend Constitution and By-laws to fit areas of need by this Association.
Prepare and present any recommended amendments at the Annual Session for adoption.
Evangelism Committee and Missions Committee
(Refer to Notes 1 through 9 Evangelism Committee guidelines below).
Music Committee
- The committee should consist of three to five members with music background (mainly consisting of music directors, but could consist of a choir member, and with one member preferably being a pianist. This would give the association a musician for events such as the Pastors’ Conferences).
- The music committee members’ responsibilities include: planning and coordinating musical events for the association; encouraging churches to fellowship together (such as fifth Sunday singings) provide updated information given by the State Convention in regards to new music, conferences and events sponsored by the State convention; provide music for the Pastors’ conferences; plan and provide music for the annual association meeting; help musically with other association events, if asked by other association organizations (such as WMU Fall and Spring meetings); and plan the yearly music budget based on events they intend to carry out for the upcoming year.
- The Association Music Directors’ responsibilities include: being Chair of the music committee; overseeing all music events of the association or delegating to other committee members the leading of such events; submitting any news or upcoming events to be published in the association newsletter to the Association Clerk; being responsible for supplying the Budget and Finance committee with a yearly budget around the month of July for consideration; providing by the first of August a tentative schedule of the upcoming year’s musical events to the Association Clerk, Director of Missions, and Moderator of the Association.
- A copy of the yearly report for publishing in the Edisto Association annual Meeting book should also be submitted by August to the Association Clerk with copies sent to the Moderator, and the Director of Missions.
- The Music Director should work closely with the Moderator of the Annual Meeting and the Director of Missions in providing music for the Annual Meeting. Also, the Music director should work closely with the President of the Pastor’s Conference to secure music for their monthly meetings.
Time, Place and Preacher Committee
Report at the Annual Session the Time, Place, and Preachers for the next Annual Session.
Nominating Committee
Make recommendations to the Association at the Annual Session of all Association officers, representatives and members of the standing committees.
Make recommendations to the Executive Committee to fill any vacancies that may occur during the year.
Resolutions Committee
Prepare resolutions to be presented and approved at the Annual Session.
Serves as the Association ad interim.
Consists of all pastors, one layperson elected by each church, the general officers, heads of all departments of work, the chairman of all standing committees of the Association and the Director of Missions as an ex-officio member.
Moderator, Vice Moderator, Clerk and Treasurer, elected by the Association, shall serve as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Executive Committee.
Meet in May of each year and at any other time as the occasion demands.
Pastor's Conference President
Elected by the Pastor's Conference at their October Conference.
Plan, promote, and implement a monthly Pastor's Conference which includes a time of fellowship and encouragement among the pastors, staff, music ministers and their spouses of our Association.
Duties of Offices listed which share common guidelines.
- Prepare yourself for this ministry. through Southern Baptist Resources.
- Encourage our churches to participate in this ministry.
- Encourage our churches to support any special emphasis promoted by the State Baptist Convention or Southern Baptist Convention.
- Help to provide training for this ministry when needed among our churches.
- Contact our churches gaining information about their involvement in this ministry during the past year to be reported at the Annual Session.
- Submit your report to the Association Clerk no later than October 1. This report will be printed in the "booklet of reports" for the Annual Session and the yearly "Edisto Baptist Association Annual."
- Present your report at the Association Annual Session in an attractive manner. For a more attractive report to be given at the Annual Session you may want to use the following: videos, overhead, skits, testimonies, posters, pamphlets, handouts, etc. Be creative!
- Present at the Annual Session the summary report of your ministry through the State Baptist Convention or Southern Baptist Convention, if it is written in the "booklet of reports."
- Participate in the Executive Committee Meeting(s) of the Association at which time you may give a progress report about your ministry.